tired but happy12,594 GIFs


Baby Relaxes in Pool
Sleepy Cherries
Bear Enjoys Leisurely Wake Up at South Lake Tahoe
Wildlife gif. Sleepy monkey rests on a tree branch and opens its mouth in a huge yawn, dark hand scratching its eyes and head. Video gif. A sleepy baby sitting on a couch falls face forward on the couch.Anime gif. Sailor Moon snuggles under a purple comforter, then yawns and pulls the blanket over her head.Disney gif. Boo from Monsters, Inc. blinks tiredly, looking like she could fall asleep at any moment.Animal gif. A grey and white cat slouches tiredly on a couch as a paw rests on its white belly. TV gif. Tom from Tom and Jerry, exhausted, fluffs a large red floor pillow before flopping down onto it face-first.TV gif. Don Knotts as Barney Fife on the Andy Griffith Show turns around after facing a radio, and reveals his tired, almost corpse-like face and disheveled hair. He has his hands over his face then drags them down his face in agony. Video gif. A man sits in front of a computer with his hand on the mouse, falling asleep and then tipping over onto the ground, taking the mouse with him.Movie gif. Ed Helms as Stu in The Hangover. He lays facedown on the floor and his glasses are laying next to him. A chicken in the back walks by as he blinks himself awake.TV gif. Patricia Heaton as Frankie in The Middle. She stands in front of a bed and closes her eyes, exhausted. She flops down, face first onto the bed, and bounces slightly with the impact. Movie gif. Boo from Monsters, Inc. sleepily stares as her heavy eyelids droop lower and lower with every blink.Video gif. A little girl lies face down on the floor. With one hand, she clings to the pole of a small, rotating carousel, and is dragged in a circle.Video gif. A man leaps into bed facedown. At the instant of impact, the scene changes: the lights are now off, and the man is now under the covers and wearing a sleep mask.Cartoon gif. Tom of Tom and Jerry sluggishly looks down at a roll of tape. He takes two pieces and tapes his eyelids way back on his head so they are as wide as they can be.Video gif. A small toddler with wild blonde, curly hair slumps sadly onto the side of a bed and lays her hand onto her arm, clearly sad and tired.Anime gif. Young Goku from Dragon Ball series lies on his back on the ground, covered with a blue blanket, snoring while sound asleep.Celebrity gif. Jim Gaffigan flashes an "ok" sign with his hand, then yawns while nodding his head yes and giving a thumbs up.TV gif. A clip from AFV: A closeup on a sleeping dog with its tongue sticking out. A hand reaches out and pulls the tongue further than you'd expect.Disney gif. Sleepy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs rests his face on his hand as he struggles to keep his eyes open, before falling asleep in his arms.Movie gif. Boss Baby sits in his high chair with his head back as he sleeps lifelessly. His tongue is falling out of his mouth and his eyes are rolled back. His big head rolls around and falls flat onto the table, jerking him awake. He’s now back in business, like he was never asleep, and picks up his file to read it better.Tired Dog Days GIFKawaii gif. A Small bear with a big head lays under the covers in bed. He’s dressed in pajamas and pulls an eye mask over his eyes. He leans back and lays down. The lights flicker off. Text, “Time to sleep.”TV gif. Kevin James as Doug Heffernan in King of Queens stands on a floor cushion in workout clothes. He drops to his knees and face plants into the cushion like he's completely exhausted.episode 14 GIFCartoon gif. Stewie from Family Guy sits in the corner of his crib and rocks back and forth. His eyes have dark circles and bags under them, and his hair is scraggly. He stares into space like he’s seen something awful.
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