
Abankirenk is a company in the creative industry that focuses on making yearbooks. At present, Abankirenk is one of the largest annual bookmaking companies in Indonesia. Abankirenk was also the first company to popularize pop-ups in the form of an annual book and was developed with augmented reality 3D technology. The name Abankirenk comes from a Javanese color which means "red-black" which is none other than the favorite color of the two founders. The creative office of Abankirenk is based in Yogyakarta, precisely on Jl. Sukoharjo No. 136 A, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283. Because of the high demand for annual book production in Indonesia. Until now, Abankirenk has been serving requests for yearbooks from 450 thousand students and students from all over Indonesia.



Abankirenkgif2023 Sticker by Abankirenk Kreatif
Stisjakarta Sticker by Abankirenk KreatifStisjakarta Sticker by Abankirenk Kreatif
Stisjakarta Sticker by Abankirenk Kreatif
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