
INTO ACTION is a movement of designers, illustrators, animators and artists building cultural momentum around civic engagement and the issues affecting our country and world.



Digital art gif. Protesting woman within a rounded purple square window against a pink background raises her fist in the air. Text, “We will be ungovernable.”Reality TV gif. Angry Taylor Armstrong of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills screams and points a finger at someone as she is held back. Text, “We will be loud.”Digital art gif. Maya Angelou quote stylized in varied fonts on and around a tombstone-shaped frame, surrounded by forest green and revolving rays of color, fists raised in solidarity on each side. Text, "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated."Text gif. Group of flags and picket signs stacked together read "We won't, stop, fighting" against a beige background.
Digital art gif. Gleaming violet fist rotates against a black background behind the text, “We the people will.”Digital art gif. Illustration of five diverse women holding protest signs in front of a crowd of people against a light blue background. The signs read, “Rights for women, The right to choose, Repro rights for all!, Abortion justice, and Bans off our bodies.”Digital art gif. Diverse fists raised in solidarity, some holding picket signs reading "Worker's rights," "are human rights."
Digital art gif. Blue hand holding a yellow lightning bolt emerges from a half-mooned shaped blue window against an orange background. Text, “We will claim our power.”Illustrated gif. Black fist raised in solidarity on aqua, dramatic white marker font within. Text, "Today, we mourn, tomorrow, we fight."Digital art gif. Two arms, clothed and polished in pastel red and hot pink, wave picket signs that read "Dissent in the streets" and "Consent in the sheets," on a ballet-pink background, hearts all around.
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