
Long Island based artist "phetus" : Since 1988 phetus has been entrenched in the graffiti and street art culture of New York City. The one man collective has been inventing and producing various art works and products that have been brought to the market place. Boasting of 30 years of experience in this field, the new venture is digital stickers and GIFS!.


Looney Letters

Street Art Pixel Sticker by PhetusPink Monster Sticker by PhetusGreen Goblin Pixel Sticker by PhetusStreet Art Abc Sticker by PhetusAlphabet Alpha Sticker by PhetusMonster Teeth Sticker by PhetusAlphabet B Sticker by PhetusText Monster Sticker by PhetusMonster D Sticker by PhetusPink Alphabet Sticker by Phetus
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