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Sitting Made Simple® launched in 2008 by local nanny, Amanda Knapp. SMS® is the local, safe and reliable option for families and sitters. SMS® has always been online, but our direct phone and email access to a local owner sets us apart from all the other options offered today! 11 years later the SMS® model serves families and sitters across 8 cities with ease. It’s the perfect balance of online and local. SMS® connects local area families and sitters online, while offering direct access to the local owner via phone and email for all those questions and concerns! SMS® offers sitters for those random last minute needs, date nights, Mom breaks and the highly sought after school and summer programs. SMS® Franchise owners walk right into a successful model with full support of the SMS® Team for all software, marketing and operating needs. Today, SMS® can be found in Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus OH, Dallas and Fort Worth TX, Indy IN, Nashville TN and Raleigh NC. 2019 + 2020 locations launching NOW! STL Sitter in St Louis MO is based off the SMS® model.

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