We say goodbye to another Cookout member and meet our final 3!

It's time to see who will win the power of veto! 🎉

#BBDerekF is currently off the block and hopes to win the power of veto in order to keep it that way. 👀

However, #BBXavier walked away with another win! 🏆

#BBXavier now holds all the power as HOH and Veto winner!🔑

#BBKyland and #BBXavier have a final 2 that #BBKyland is hoping he sticks to.

But #BBXavier has other plans! 😮

He has kept his nominations the same...

Giving #BBDerekF the sole power of selecting who goes to the Final 3! 🤔

#BBKyland was sent home in a complete blindside!

However, #BBKyland didn't want to leave without an explanation. 😬

And then there were 3! 🙌🏽