Let's look at some of the best GIFs from this Halloween classic!

Once upon a time, there were three witches: the Sanderson sisters.

They lived in Salem, and were sentenced to hang for witchcraft.

But not before getting one last spell in! If a virgin should light their Black Flame candle on Halloween, they will return.

Welp, guess what virgin comes along 300 years later and lights that candle? Max.

The Sanderson Sisters come back, ready to suck the souls out of little children so they can live forever.

Max, his sister Dani, & his crush Allison encounter Billy, a zombie with a heart. But they don't know that yet.

There's also Thackery Binx, who was once a boy but was turned into immortal cat by the witches.

Our heroes head to their parents for help, who are all at the biggest party in Salem.

The problem is - it's hard for adults to believe the Sanderson sisters are back.

Especially when they put on a show like this. So, the kids are on their own.

They have a great idea of burning the witches in their school's incinerator...but that doesn't work.

So the plan is back on and kids are lured back to the Sanderson sisters' cottage.

But that's foiled too. Our heroes spill the witches' potion and lead them to the cemetery.

Did we mention they had until sunrise to make their spell happen? Well, they don't make it.

And the witches burst into glitter.

And everyone gets to go home safe and sound. Except the witches. They are dead forever. Happy Halloween Month!