ICYMI: a blue wave is coming and Texas Democrats are hoping to ride their way back to a state House majority this Nov..

In 2018, Texas Democrats flipped 12 state House seats—their biggest win in nearly a decade. (Texas Tribune)

This year, Democrats need to flip nine seats to regain the state House majority for the first time since 2002. (TT)

And, hopes are high: Beto O'Rourke's unsuccessful 2018 Senate run saw him flipping nine Republican districts. (TT)

This year, Democrats are targeting 22 Republican-held House seats, including the nine that voted for O'Rourke in 2018. (TT)

What are the stakes? Next year, state legislatures across the US will redraw electoral districts based on the 2020 census.

In 2021, the Texas state legislature will decide the redistricting of 39 U.S. House congressional districts. (The Hill)

If they win, Democrats would net one seat on the Texas redistricting board and gain unprecedented veto power. (Vox)

In 2017, data analytics firm Azavea ranked Texas the fifth most gerrymandered state in the US.

State Democrats have framed the 2020 election as a "once in a decade" chance to end partisan gerrymandering in the state.

A Democratic House sweep would be a gamechanger: Republicans have held control of the Texas state legislature since 2002.

What do the polls say? An Oct. RA News poll showed Democrats gaining 11 state House seats and winning the majority.

In Oct., Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott told the Texas Tribune they were spending "mid-seven-figures" on down-ballot races.

Mario Diaz (Click2Houston.com): "…officials are expecting over $40 million to be raised and spent on Texas House races.”

Could Texas go blue this Nov.? Per FiveThirtyEight, Biden is trailing Trump by an average 1.3 points in state polls.

On Tue., NBC News shifted its rating of Texas's presidential race from "lean Republican" to "toss-up."

7.8M+ Texans—46% of registered voters—have voted in the 2020 election as of Monday. (Texas Tribune)
