He's third in line to assume the presidency. He's also a huge "Batman" fan.

Sen. Patrick Leahy's history of "Batman" cameos is getting renewed attention after his retirement announcement Mon..

Leahy, the Senate President pro tempore and a lifelong Batman fan, has appeared in five "Batman" films.

In 1996, Leahy even collaborated with DC Comics to create a Batman comic about the "horror of landmines." (CNN)

As he caps a nearly five-decade-long career in the Senate, here's a look at all of Leahy's cameos in the "Batman" films.

🦇Batman Forever

🦇Batman & Robin

🦇Batman & Robin

🦇The Dark Knight

🦇The Dark Knight Rises

🦇Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

🦇Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice