Are you ready to crown our #BB23 winner? We sure are! 🤩

#BBAzah won the second part of the HOH comp, which means she faces #BBXavier in round 3! 🙌🏽

However, in part 3 #BBXavier won by one point and gets to choose who to take to the final 2 with him!🏆

#BBXavier decided to go with his final 2 deal #BBDerekF! 😯

Making #BBAzah the final houseguest evicted from the #BB23 house. 😭

#BBKyland also officially joined jury, making it just in time for the round table! 👀

The jury is ready to make their decision! 🤯

But first, major props to the cookout alliance, even those who ended up in jury!

#BBXavier! 👑👑👑

And America's Favorite Houseguest is.... #BBTiffany! 🥳

Thanks so much for an amazing season, we'll see you for #BBCeleb this winter and #BB24 next summer! 🎉👏🏽🔥