"When we talk about health care, we have to talk also about women's reproductive rights."

It's been a week of swimming rats, historic floods, and new threats to Roe v. Wade. Here's a recap of this week's news.

President Joe Biden opened the week addressing the end of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The US finished its evacuation of troops and Americans from Kabul on Mon. afternoon ET.. (NBC)

A Texas law banning abortion after six weeks went into effect Wed.; it is the nation's most restrictive abortion ban.

It's also not just a ban: the law also awards $10K+ to anyone who successfully reports and sues abortion providers. (NPR)

Biden released a statement Wed. condemning the law: "This extreme Texas law blatantly violates [constitutional rights]."

WH Press Sec. Jen Psaki Thu.: "...for women out there who have faced those choices, this is...incredibly difficult."

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thu. that the House would vote on legislation codifying Roe v. Wade into law after the recess.

Hurricane Ida brought record floods and winds to the Gulf Coast and Northeast region this week.

Biden said Thu. that FEMA delivered 4.3M+ meals and 3M+ liters of water to Louisiana in anticipation of the storm.

According to NPR, as of Thu., 175K+ homes and businesses in the Orleans parish are still without power.

That's all for this week!