"Guess what? It grows the economy. Benefits everybody. Hurts nobody."

1. Sen. Bernie Sanders' cozy outfit at this year's inauguration ceremony kicked off 2021, inspiring countless memes.

Photojournalist Brendan Smialowski snapped the picture, which became the year's first bonafide meme sensation. (MSNBC)

2. This quote from Pres. Biden touting his infrastructure bill took off on TikTok as an audio track.

3. In March, HUD Sec. Marcia Fudge quickly gathered reporters after they didn't respond to her afternoon greeting.

Her reaction was immortalized as a meme.

4. This playful moment between the Senate majority and minority leaders in Aug. took off on Twitter and late-night TV.

5. This video of a fitness instructor unknowingly capturing Myanmar's military coup in real-time went viral in Feb..

6. Sen. Mitt Romney was seen glaring at Sen. Josh Hawley after the Jan. 6 riot, birthing this incredible reaction image.

7. Sen. Ted Cruz went viral in April after dozing off during Pres. Biden's first joint address to Congress.

8. Cruz wasn't alone: Romney was also spotted taking a power nap during Biden's address.

9. Cruz also went viral this year for flying off to Cancún during a deadly power crisis in Texas.

10. Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's dance moves were widely meme'd this year.

11. UK Health Sec. Matt Hancock became a meme in May after ran away from reporters questioning his handling of COVID-19.

12. This image from DC Mayor Muriel Bowser's first presser after the Jan. 6 riot went viral, summing up the national mood.

13. How do you do, fellow kids? This outfit by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio in May sparked countless jokes.

14. Melania Trump didn't seem too happy to be at the World Series this year. This reaction got a lot of traffic in Nov..