Happy spring! The sun is shining bright, the flowers are blooming, and we are back with an all-new season of “Call the Midwife.” A LOT has changed in the new year.

This week, the women welcome Sister Veronica, who joins them following Sister Hilda and Sister Frances' departures.

She's high-energy, sings, makes her own marmalade, and wants to bring the midwives' work into the present day...

Which includes asking their benefactor Matthew to help fund a new scooter for her commute to work.

Even though it requires a little bit of *embellishment* to obtain it. (Though we respect the commitment.)

Nancy receives Olive Macketts’ case, a terminal cancer patient who has decided to return home against medical advice.

She worries about Olive's increasing pain and signs of failing kidneys...

But later learns that Olive has chosen to be at home so she can spend her remaining days with her partner Jessie.

So Nancy, Trixie and Dr. Turner do all that they can to make Olive comfortable and to support Jessie once she passes.

Meanwhile, Lucille meets with her patient and expecting mother Greta Pickard...

But learns that Greta and her husband Wally support politician Enoch Powell in his racist remarks against immigrants.

Feeling unwelcome in England, and following a recent miscarriage, Lucille begins to long for home in Jamaica.

And as racial tensions rise across the country, it takes a huge toll on her mental health, her work, and personal life.

And is enough for her to walk out on Greta's labor following her increasingly prejudiced accusations.