VP Mike Pence declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election Thu. morning, ending a chaotic day in the Capitol.

Congress met for a ceremonial joint session on Wed. to count and certify the Electoral College's votes.

The session was cut short Wed. afternoon after a violent mob of Trump supporters attacked and occupied the Capitol.

Four people died during the riots, per CBS News. 52 people have been arrested in connection with the attacks, as of Thu.

Congress reconvened Wed. evening to continue proceedings. Several GOP legislators dropped their objections to the results.

GOP legislators objected to the results in Arizona and Pennsylvania, forcing a debate and vote on both states' votes.

Both votes failed, paving the way for the final ratification of the Electoral College's votes.

Today's joint session officially ends the 2020 election, certifying Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's victory.

Here's a GIFcap of the day's top moments and quotes.