After the flurry of climate pledges made in Glasgow, it's now time for the real work of holding leaders accountable.

Over two weeks, we saw a flurry of pledges and protests from government officials, climate leaders, and activists.

There were big announcements on everything from reducing emissions of the greenhouse gas methane,

to financing climate adaptation for low-emitting countries now on the frontlines of the crisis,

halting deforestation,

and ditching the dirtiest fossil fuel–coal.

Some countries upped the ante and improved their emissions reductions goals.

Other countries fell short.

But we also know that promises made in Glasgow are just the beginning.

Speeches must turn into substantive policy changes–and fast.

Transformative climate action must happen this decade if we want any chance at keeping warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

It’s going to take all of us.

We must hold leaders accountable and do our own part to stop the crisis of our lifetimes.