Sen. Cory Booker on Wed. delivered a moving defense of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson after a grueling day of questioning.

Wed. marked the third day of hearings for Judge Jackson, who is poised to become the US's first Black woman SCOTUS justice.

Judge Jackson, by then, had endured 20+ hours of questioning over two days, fielding false attacks from GOP Senators.

On Wed., Booker used his questioning time to celebrate Judge Jackson's achievements and her historic nomination.

Booker: "I’m just sitting here saying, 'Nobody’s going to steal my joy. Nobody’s going to make me angry.'"

Booker: "I want to tell you when I look at you, this is why I get emotional."

Booker: "You faced insults here that were shocking to me...But you are here because [you love your country]."

Booker: "The way you have dealt with some of these things, that’s why you are a judge and I am a politician."

Booker: "You have sat with grit and grace and have shown us just an extraordinary demeanor."

Booker, quoting "Let America Be America Again" by Langston Hughes:

During his defense, Booker also noted his own place in history as the fourth Black person elected to the Senate.

Booker told the Atlantic Thu. of his speech: “You feel that familiar hurt."

Booker: "I have yet to meet an African American woman this week who...couldn’t relate to her." (The Atlantic)

Booker closed his remarks declaring Judge Jackson his "harbinger of hope."

Booker: " ascend onto the highest court in the land, I’m going to rejoice. [We] will be better because of you."