Protestors across the US are calling on officials to "count every vote" in response to Trump's calls to halt vote counting.

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, protestors unfurled a "count every vote" banner in front of City Hall.

Protests continued Thu. morning in Philadelphia, where Biden is leading the county with 81.1% of the vote. (NYT)

Pres. Trump is leading Pennsylvania, a key 2020 state, by 1.4 points with 93% reporting. (NYT)

Trump has sued several battleground states in an effort to stop vote counts and throw out late mail-in ballots.

Judges in Georgia and Michigan dismissed the Trump campaign's lawsuits Thu. morning. (AP)

"Count every vote" protests took place across the US, from Baltimore, Maryland... Portland, Oregon... Austin, Texas... Detroit, Michigan.

As of Thu. afternoon, Joe Biden is leading both the electoral and popular vote count, with 253 electoral votes.

How many ballots are left to be counted? 2PM PST (NYT): Nevada: 190K+ Georgia: 47K+ Pennsylvania: 500K+