#CountdownToMars with a simulated look at how our Perseverance Mars rover will land on the Red Planet on Feb. 18.

The descent begins when the spacecraft reaches the top of the Martian atmosphere & sheds its cruise stage.

The drag produced slows it down. The spacecraft then fires small thrusters that adjust its angle & direction of lift.

Perseverance uses a Range Trigger to calculate its distance to the landing target and open the parachute.

Twenty seconds after parachute deployment, the heat shield separates and drops away.

Perseverance then cuts off the parachute & rides the rest of the way down using its decent stage rockets.

A skycrane uses cables to lower Perseverance, leaving the rover on Mars to begin its search for signs of ancient life.

Watch the LIVE Entry, Descent, and Landing on Feb. 18, 2021 at 2:15 pm ET (7:15pm UTC): www.nasa.gov/nasalive