75 years ago on June 6, 1944, Allied forces stormed the beaches at Normandy in a coordinated invasion to wrest control of Europe from the forces of Nazi Germany.

Preparations for the Normandy Invasion begin as equipment and supplies head for the coast.

American soldiers march towards a port in southern England.

British and Canadian troops board ships for the invasion.

Allied bombers strike German defenses and communications networks as a prelude to the invasion.

Convoys of troop transports, landing craft and their escort ships head across the English Channel for the Normandy Coast.

“Back in Britain, paratroopers marched out to their planes and embarked for the trip to Normandy.”

“…other airborne troops in gliders and tow planes prepared to take off from Britain. "

"One by one until planes lifted the heavily laden gliders into the sky…”

A British soldier reads General Eisenhower's "Order of the Day" while enroute to Normandy.

“…landing craft made the drive towards shore through lanes cleared during the night by mine sweepers…”

Combined Allied fleets bombard German coastal installations.

“…and men kept pouring in…” The Normandy Invasion begins as Allied troops unload from landing craft on June 6, 1944.

“Until the last possible moment our planes hit at the enemy on the shoreline… "

The Air Forces did not neglect targets inland. Everything that could hinder our advance were subject to attack from the sky