Not all crabs are the same. In fact, there are about 5,000 species of crabs, some of them wildly different than others. Here are some of the most interesting of the bunch.

Decorator crabs are named after their tendency of camouflaging themselves with random stuff they happen to come across.

The common hairy crab has long, soft hairs and has been described as having the appearance of a mop.

Pom-pom Crabs are named for their tendency to wave around stinging sea anemones to protect themselves against predators.

Fiddler crabs are named because of the extreme difference in the size of their claws . The larger claw resembes a fiddle.

Ghost crabs are named after their nocturnal habits and pale colouring, which helps them hide in the sand.

Swimming crabs are characterized by the flattening of the fifth pair of legs into broad paddles which are used to propel.

Candy crabs are tiny! Measuring only 1.5 to 2 cm, they camouflage themselves with the colors of the coral they live on.

The Teddy Bear Crab has quite a unique body type. It is short and squat and looks like it's covered in fur.

Hermit crabs use abandoned seashells as mobile homes.

The Japanese spider crab has the largest leg span of any living arthropod and can weigh up to 42 pounds.