Another double eviction for the second week in a row. See who will be the first two join the jury house from the cookout alliance!👀

It's #BBComics Week! 🦸🏽

All of the Cookout competed hoping to win the Golden Power of Veto! 👀

HOH #BBKyland secured the victory...

and decided to keep his nominations the same. 😔

Sending the mastermind of the Cookout, #BBTiffany, to jury!👋

However, it's not over yet! 😳

Double Eviction week 2 had the houseguests jump straight into the HOH competition!

#BBAzah is the new HOH, being her first win of the summer! 🏆

She quickly decided to put up #BBXavier and #BBHannah, with one of the Cookout men being her target!

However, #BBKyland won the Golden Power of Veto and was able to keep himself safe and take #BBXavier off the block!🤭

Leaving #BBDerekF as the only option to take the seat next to #BBHannah on the block.

In the end #BBHannah was unfortunately sent to the jury house! 💔