If you're asking the question, then you already know the answer.

With COVID-19 cases spiking across the US, health experts are warning many to "maybe" hold off on Thanksgiving this year.

Dr. Anthony Fauci addressed the topic during an interview at the Washington National Cathedral Thu.. His answer?

As of Mon., the US has reported 11M+ COVID-19 cases and 246K+ deaths, with an average of 150K+ new cases per day. (NYT)

Fauci said that the uptick in cases was largely due to community spread from asymptomatic cases. (NBC News)

Fauci: "You get one person who's asymptomatic and infected, and then... four or five people...are infected." (NBC News)

Fauci also warned that the cold weather combined with holiday gatherings was a "bad recipe for a tough time ahead."

What does the CDC recommend this year? 🦃 Virtual gatherings 🦃 Socially distant outdoor gatherings 🦃 Online shopping

If you must gather, the CDC recommends: 🦃 Bringing your own food/drinks 🦃 Having a designated masked server

🦃Offering "no-touch trash cans" 🦃Having a designated handwashing space 🦃Using single-use, disposable utensils