Friday, May 15th is Endangered Species Day, a time to cherish the world's biodiversity and to celebrate the many conservation successes of the past fifty years!

Did you know more than a million species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades if we don't take swift action?

The biodiversity crisis & Trump administration attacks make protecting endangered species more important than ever!

So this Endangered Species Day, appreciate the vast biodiversity we still enjoy and help us fight to protect wildlife!

You might still be wondering what you can do. The answer is a lot! Here are just a few recent success stories...

In a victory to address wildlife trade, NY passed a bill to ban trade in species designated as vulnerable, like giraffes!

New Jersey & NY are moving toward restricting uses of neonicotinoid pesticides, which are harming bees and other wildlife!

But many, many species still need our help, such as the sockeye salmon!

So NRDC will continue to fight to protect these cherished species. And we won’t stop until their futures are secure!

Join us! Help support biodiversity and protect endangered species today!

Take action now. Visit to tell the Trump administration to protect wildlife!

If this bear can take action, so can you! Go to to help protect the Endangered Species Act!

It really, really is. Scroll down for our endangered species stickers. Add to your Instagram Story and tag us @NRDC_org