"I've decided that I should be on the pardon list, if that is still in the works."

The Jan. 6 Committee on Thu. closed out its third day of hearings with testimony from those close to VP Pence on Jan. 6.

Thu.'s hearing sought to highlight former Pres. Trump's pressure campaign on Pence to overturn the 2020 election.

The panel on Thu. laid out how Trump and his lawyer, John Eastman, repeatedly pressured Pence to overturn the results.

Two witnesses showed up to testify Thu.: Pence's legal counsel Greg Jacob, who fielded and rejected Trump's requests...

...and former federal appeals court judge J. Michael Luttig, who consulted with Pence's advisors in the lead up to Jan. 6.

Jacob testified Thu. that he repeatedly rejected Eastman and Trump's requests to reject electoral votes from key states.

Jacob: "You would have had just an unprecedented constitutional jump ball situation."

Jacob also testified Thu. that Eastman and Trump on Jan. 4 suggested to Pence that he "reject electoral votes outright."

What was Pence's reaction? Per Jacob's testimony, Pence told Jacob that there was "no way....[this was] justifiable."

Luttig testified Thu. that he told Pence's advisors that Trump's orders would cause a "constitutional crisis."

On Jan. 6, Trump released a statement that Pence and him were in "total agreement" that Pence had the "power to act."

Jacob testified Thu. that he was "shocked and disappointed" by the statement:

Pence's chief of staff Marc Short also testified that the statement was false in a video testimony:

Jacob was also with Pence on Jan. 6 during the attack on the Capitol; they were both 40 feet away from the rioters. (NYT)

Rep. Pete Aguilar revealed Thu. that they had uncovered evidence showing that Pence was targeted for murder on Jan. 6.

According to Aguilar, both Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were targeted for murder by the Proud Boys on Jan. 6.

Jacob testified that Trump didn't call Pence on Jan. 6:

The panel also showed testimony from former WH lawyer Eric Herschmann, who said Trump's efforts continued after Jan. 6.

Herschmann testified that Eastman contacted him to continue Trump's efforts after Jan. 6.. Herschmann said he told Eastman:

After their exchange, per the panel's findings, Eastman contacted Rudy Giuliani to obtain a presidential pardon from Trump.

The panel also showed footage of their interview with Eastman, where he invoked the Fifth Amendment 146 times.

Luttig closed out Thu.'s hearing with a warning: "[They will] succeed in 2024 where they failed in 2020."

When is the next hearing? Tuesday, June 21 at 10 a.m. PST.