Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Democratic challenger Stacey Abrams faced off Sun. in their second and final midterm debate.

Sun.'s debate mirrored their first face-off two weeks ago: the two clashed over abortion, voting laws and gun violence.

On abortion, Kemp defended Georgia's six-week abortion ban, which he signed into law last June:

Kemp said Sun. he would not "push the needle any further" on abortion. Abrams countered:

Abrams: "There should not be arbitrary timelines set by men who do not understand biology."

2020's COVID-19 lockdowns loomed large over the debate: Kemp defended his decision to lift restrictions in June, 2020.

Georgia was among the last to close and first to reopen in 2020. Abrams said Kemp's decisions led to high death rates.

Kemp: "[Abrams wants to] lock our state down."

The two also clashed over gun violence: Abrams said that Georgia had the "ninth highest gun violence rate in the nation."

Abrams: "Family violence with guns has gone up 18% under this governor, and his response was to weaken gun laws..."

SB 202, Georgia's 2021 voting law, was also discussed Sun. night: Kemp rejected claims that the bill suppresses the vote.

What did SB 202 do? (NYT) 🗳️Instituted new voter ID laws 🗳️Criminalized handing food/water to voters in line

Abrams: "Let’s be clear that the voter suppression that I’m talking about is being felt by Georgians every single day."

Who's leading the race so far? Per FiveThirtyEight's poll average, Kemp is leading Abrams by 6.9 points in the polls.

According to FiveThirtyEight's forecast, Kemp is "clearly favored" to win the race with a 91 in 100 chance of winning.

What does turnout look like so far? As of Sun., a record 1.4M+ Georgians have voted in the 2022 midterms.

Early voting in Georgia ends Nov. 4. Election Day is on Nov. 8.