How can we recover better from the pandemic? GIPHY artists show human rights are key, in these stunning creations. We thank About Evie, Fabiola Lara, Jeca Martinez, Lo Harris, Megan Motown!

We are one humanity. Working together, we can defeat the #coronavirus and build a better world. GIF: Jeca Martinez

Racism is a #humanrights violation. #FightRacism, xenophobia & hate speech. Everywhere. Every day. GIF: Jeca Martinez

1 in every 30 people in the world is a migrant— and they all deserve a life of dignity & safety. GIF: Jeca Martinez

Even before COVID19, access to health care was uneven. The pandemic only made it worse. GIF: Jeca Martinez

We are all in this together. The #coronavirus threatens everyone, human rights uplift everyone. GIF: Lo Harris

We are ONE humanity. Diversity is our strength. Always #FightRacism. GIF: Lo Harris

Climate change is a race we can win. Demand more #ClimateAction. GIF: Lo Harris

Misinformation is like a virus. We all have our part to play in stopping its spread. GIF: Lo Harris

Our planet is in a state of climate emergency. It’s time to make peace with nature. GIF: Megan Motown

Peaceful protests are a legitimate way for people to seek social change. GIF: Megan Motown

During #COVID19 no one should be subjected to discrimination when seeking #healthcare. #HealthForAll. GIF Megan Motown

Change discriminatory narratives and take action for gender equality, because equality has no gender. GIF: Megan Motown

Debemos enfrentar el desafío de responder al cambio climático GIF: Fabiola Lara

La violencia de género se ha incrementado desde la pandemia de #COVID19. GIF: Fabiola Lara

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos. GIF: Fabiola Lara

Nous pouvons gagner la course contre le changement climatique si nous agissons ensemble. GIF: About Evie

La santé est un droit de l'homme et doit être une priorité d'investissement de premier plan. GIF: About Evie

Toute personne a droit à la liberté de réunion et d'association pacifiques. GIF: About Evie