"Raising the debt ceiling has nothing to do with future spending. We're paying Donald Trump's bills!"

Democrats are racing to prevent a government shutdown after GOP Senators voted to block government funding Mon..

The House voted 220–211 last week to prevent a shutdown and keep the government funded through Dec. 3. (CNN)

What happened? Senate Republicans on Mon. voted to block the House's bill, paving the way for a shutdown on Fri..

The point of contention? Republicans opposed a measure in the bill that suspended the debt ceiling until Dec. 2022. (CNN)

What is the debt ceiling? It's a limit on the amount of money the US can borrow to pay its "existing legal obligations."

What are those obligations? Military and federal employee salaries; Medicare and Social Security. (Treasury.gov)

Dept. of Treasury: "The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments...It [funds] existing ....obligations."

What happens if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling? The US would default on its debts—an unprecedented event. (CBS)

Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen wrote in the WSJ Sun. that the US defaulting would cause a "historic financial crisis."

Senate Republicans argued Mon. that raising the debt limit would pave the way for Democrats to pursue "socialist" policies.

With no plan to keep the government funded past Thu., Congress is now looking at a shutdown come 12:01 a.m. on Oct. 1.

Per Politico, Democrats are now scrambling to put together a short-term spending bill without lifting the debt ceiling.

According to CNN, Congress has until mid-Oct. to address the debt ceiling.