For the first time ever, California will be voting in the Super Tuesday contest.

130M voters across 14 states will vote in the biggest contest of the 2020 primary season. Here's what you need to know.

Super Tuesday, by the numbers: 📍14 states, one territory 👤1357 delegates 🗳️130M voters

Here are all the states voting today: •AL •AS (American Samoa) •AK •CA •CO •ME •MA •MN •NC •OK •TN •TX •UT •VT •VA

Here's a list of states with same-day voter registration: •California •Colorado •Maine •Minnesota •Utah •Vermont

This year will be California's first time in the Super Tuesday. 415 delegates are up for grabs in CA. (LA Times)

Here's a look at the delegate race so far: 👤Sanders: 60 👤Biden: 54 👤Warren: 8

The 2020 race saw a major shakeup after the South Carolina primary this past Sat. Here's a quick briefer.

For starters, Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar both dropped out and endorsed Joe Biden over the weekend.

Former 2020 candidate and Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke also endorsed Biden at a Texas rally last night.

With moderate Democrats consolidating around Biden, we could be heading toward a contested convention come July.

Joementum? Biden's national support increased 10 points since Klobuchar and Buttigieg's endorsements, per Morning Consult.

This could be bad news for Sen. Bernie Sanders, who needs a simple majority of 1991 delegates to win the nomination.

His chances of securing a delegate majority are now at 17%, per FiveThirtyEight. Biden is now projected to win a plurality.

Per DNC rules,. in the case of a contested convention, superdelegates would get to vote on a second ballot. (NPR)

All eyes are on California and Texas today, two of the biggest states to vote. Sanders will likely win California. (RCP)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg have staked their campaigns on Super Tuesday. We'll see what happens.

Here's Warren voting in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Sanders was spotted this morning voting in Burlington, Vermont. Follow along at for all the GIFs.