"They know they do not represent the majority of the American people."

One year before the Civil Rights Act's passage, Dr. MLK Jr. spoke out against the bill's biggest hurdle: the filibuster.

In 1963, King told reporters that he expected a filibuster would be launched in opposition to civil rights legislation.

King's prediction came true: In 1964, Southern Senators launched the longest filibuster in history to block the bill. (AP)

The filibuster lasted 54 days and ended after a bipartisan coalition of 71 Senators voted to end debate. (Senate.gov)

The vote marked the first and last time the Senate voted to end a filibuster debate on a civil rights bill. (Senate.gov)

A compromise bill, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, passed the Senate by a 73–27 vote; it was signed into law on July 2. (SG)