The second and final debate between Joe Biden and Pres. Trump ended Thu. with little of the chaos that defined the first.

For starters, new CPD debate rules mandated a mute button on the candidates' microphones — so, that helped.

Many credited moderator Kristen Welker for keeping the presidential candidates in line during the debate.

With less than two weeks until Election Day, Thu.'s debate was the candidates' last chance to appeal to undecided voters.

Needless to say, the stakes were high. Here's a GIFcap of the last presidential debate.

Trump opened the night with a lesson he learned from his COVID-19 diagnosis: "We're learning to live with it."

Biden pressed Trump on his comment:

Coronavirus in the US, by the numbers (NYT): • 8.4M+ cases • 223K+ deaths • average 62K+ new cases per day

Biden: "[There are folks] who have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning...Come on. We're dying with it."

Then, Trump blamed China for the severity of the outbreak in the US: "It's China's fault."

Here's how Biden reacted:

Trump also addressed his comments in April suggesting light therapy and disinfectants to treat COVID-19. He said:

Biden criticized Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani for peddling Russian disinformation: "He's being used as a...pawn."

Biden also called for Trump to release his tax returns, which Trump promised to release as president in 2016. (CNN)

Biden: "Release your tax returns or stop talking about corruption."

Trump is "the first president in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns in office." (CNN)

The New York Times reported in Oct. that Trump only paid $750 in federal income tax in 2016 and 2017. He said:

Trump: "I called my accountants...I'm going to release them as soon as we can."

Biden: "You have not released a single solitary year of your tax return. What are you hiding?"

Who spoke the most during the debate? (CNN) 🔴Trump: 41m16s 🔵Biden: 37m53s

Trump, on aid to Ukraine: "While he was selling pillows and sheets, I sold tank-busters to Ukraine."

Biden served up a couple of great reaction GIFs during the debate:

Biden: "People deserve to have affordable health care. Period. Period. Period. Period."

Trump also continued his ongoing crusade against wind turbines during the debate: "It kills all the birds."

Trump: "Nobody has done more for the Black community than Donald Trump...with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln."

Biden: "'Abraham Lincoln' here is one of the most racist presidents we've had in modern history."

So, who won the debate? Well, according to a CNN/SSRSS poll, 53% of debate watchers said Biden won the debate.

YouGov reported a similar margin, with 54% of viewers agreeing that Biden won Thu.'s presidential debate.

All in all, it might not be the game-changer that Trump needs to turn around his polling.

According to FiveThirtyEight's national poll average, Trump is trailing Biden nationally by an average of 9.9 points.