"It is a direct assault on the rights of women. Let's not mince words here."

A Texas law banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy went into effect Wed.. Here's what people are saying:

The ban, AKA SB8, was passed and signed into law in May. It is one of the nation's strictest bans on abortion. (CNN)

It's also not just a ban: the law also awards $10K+ to anyone who successfully reports and sues abortion providers. (NPR)

Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson told MSNBC Wed. that the law "makes no sense whatsoever."

Johnson: "This is a state that supposedly loves defending the Constitution....they don't even 'love thy neighbor.'"

Pres. Biden on Wed. released a statement condemning the law: "[We] will protect and defend that right."

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio called out the Supreme Court for failing to stop the ban and uphold precedent set by Roe v. Wade.

Under Roe v. Wade, bans on abortion before fetal viability (24 weeks) are unconstitutional. (NYT)

SCOTUS is on recess until Oct. 1. The Court is set to open its term hearing Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban. (BFN)