With control of the Senate at stake, it's all about Georgia today. Here's what the candidates were up to on Election Day.

Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff started the day rallying supporters and voters in Atlanta, Georgia.

Thousands of voters are expected to vote in Georgia's runoffs today. The race has already seen record early voter turnout.

Per CNBC, a record 3M+ Georgians have voted in the Georgia Senate runoffs.

If Ossoff wins, he would be the first Jewish U.S. senator from the South since the 1800s. (Haaretz)


Incumbent GOP Sen. David Perdue is still in isolation after being exposed to a staffer who tested positive for coronavirus.

Perdue made his final get-out-the-vote pitch to Georgia voters on "Fox & Friends" Tue. morning.

Perdue: "This is the American dream...That's what I'm fighting for in this election."

Democratic challenger Rev. Raphael Warnock opened the day in Marietta, Georgia Tue. morning.

If elected, Warnock would be Georgia's first Black U.S. Senator, and the 11th Black senator in U.S. history. (FT)

Warnock is running in a special election against appointed incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler.

Warnock led Loeffler by seven points in Nov.'s election. (NYT)

Loeffler started the day rallying supporters in Sandy Springs, Georgia.

Loeffler on Mon. said in a statement to Fox News that she would join Republican senators in objecting to Biden's victory.

Fox News reported that Loeffler will likely object to the certification of Georgia’s presidential election results Wed.

Loeffler: "I will vote to...support the objection to the Electoral College certification process."