"Compromise and consensus are the only way to get big things done in a democracy."

After weeks of intra-party talks, Pres. Biden released Thu. a new $1.75T+ proposal for Democrats' social spending bill.

Biden's new framework calls for $1.75T+ in spending over 10 years for health care, education, and child care. (CNN)

The White House said Thu. that the new plan was crafted with holdout Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. (CNBC)

Congressional Progressive Caucus chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal said Thu. that her caucus would endorse the proposal.

Jayapal: "...everyone...endorsed a resolution that approves in principle the framework that the President laid out today."

House Democratic leaders on Thu. published 1,684 pages of legislative text based on Biden's proposal and priorities. (CNN)

Here's a look at what's in Biden's proposal: (CNN) 🏫Free, universal preschool 💰Extends $3.6K+ child tax credit for 1 year

💊Lower ACA premiums for 9M+ 🦻Medicare coverage for hearing services ⚕️$130B+ to expand Medicaid

🌿$320B+ clean energy tax credits 🌪️$105B+ to create a Civilian Climate Corps 🔌$110B+ in clean energy investments

🏡$150B+ for affordable housing 🍽️Free school meals for 8.7M+ children per year 🎓Pell Grant expansion for DREAMers

🧾15% minimum tax on corporations that report $1B+ in profits 🧾15% country-by-country tax on overseas profits