Tensions are high after the fascist clash the night before. Excitement is high too, after the residents learn they're invited to dine at the grand Villa Franchesi.

Bella is shaken by the fascist attack of last night, and upset with Billy, but she admires his bravery all the same.

Lucian suspects something more is going on, noticing his mother's missing ring, but she denies this.

Plum asks Lucian to go into town and get him a bicycle, Lucian agrees and invites Anish to join him.

Alice is invited to dine with the eminent Lady Caroline, and the other residents are thrilled to learn they can come too!

It turns out Count Albani is behind this invite (a secret he keeps from all, but Bella) and agrees to escort the guests.

Lady Latchmere is hesitant at first, but agrees after speaking with Bella.

Meanwhile, Lizzie and Claudine go to catch some rays at the beach.

Claudine makes the acquaintance of the handsome Roberto Albani (the Count's son), and sparks quickly fly.

The trip goes south when the blackshirts chase Lucian and Anish into an alley where they meet an antifascist, Gianluca.

Bella and Lady Latchmere have a heart-to-heart when they learn they've both lost sons, one to the flu and one to the war.

The staff is hard at work prepping for a tea party, but things take a turn when Danioni and the fascists show up.

Danioni is snooping around the painting, making Cecil nervous. He makes a deal with Jack to get it authenticated quickly.

During the grand dinner some of the younger guests (even Rose!) party back at the hotel, the older guests are not amused.

Lucian and Anish attend a late night antifascist meeting led by Gianluca, but the trio must run when the police bust in...