Transportation is the largest source of carbon pollution in the United States. Check out these tips for how to get around while protecting our planet and health.

Transportation is the source of nearly 30 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

We can all help fight climate change by following these tips to reduce our transportation footprint!

Opt for riding a bike or walking when you can!

Drive a fuel-efficient car—or better yet, an electric vehicle, which don't spew dirty tailpipe emissions!

Live near public transportation? Take a bus or train instead! You'll save money while saving the environment.

Public transit inaccessible? Call or email elected officials to explain why expanding public transit is high-priority.

Carpool to save gas and reduce the number of cars on the road.

Go easy on the gas and brake pedals! Hard acceleration and braking wastes fuel and hurts gas mileage.

Avoid idling. If you expect to idle for more than 30 seconds, better to turn the engine off (except when in traffic).

Turning on overdrive and cruise control also improves fuel-efficiency.

Get a tune up, inflate your tires, and clean your oil and air filters out regularly.

The solutions to avert climate catastrophe are within reach!

Tell our elected leaders to take bold action on climate now—before it’s too late: