"Congress cannot behave like ostriches in the sand when it comes to AI."

Several legislators on Capitol Hill this week are moving forward to introduce legislation regulating AI.

According to Bloomberg, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is set to announce legislation addressing AI on Wed..

Not much is known about Schumer's bill: per CSIS, Schumer's proposal is called the "SAFE Innovation framework."

CSIS: "[Schumer's plan is a] bipartisan path forward on AI, meant to protect, expand, and harness AI’s potential."

Schumer is currently leading AI education efforts in the Senate: last Tue., he held the Senate's first-ever AI briefing.

Schumer: "We must take the time to learn from the leading minds in AI...and consider both the benefits and risks..."

In the House, Reps. Ted Lieu, Ken Buck and Anna Eshoo are set to introduce a bill establishing a bipartisan AI commission.

Lieu announced the bill Tue. morning: "AI...can also cause significant harm if left unchecked and unregulated."

According to Lieu, the commission would "make recommendations on the best ways to move forward on AI regulation."

The White House is also moving forward to address AI: Pres. Biden met with several AI researchers in San Francisco Tue..

Biden on Tue.: "My administration is committed to...making sure AI systems are safe before they are released."

What's next? Well, prepare for a broader push for federal regulations on AI and deepfakes in the weeks head.