Cardona is poised to become the nation's second Puerto Rican and third Latino secretary of education.

Pres.-elect Joe Biden and VP-elect Kamala Harris introduced their nominee for Education Secretary Wed.: Dr. Miguel Cardona.

Biden said during Wed.'s event that the decision was "real easy": "He is a secretary of education for this moment."

Both Harris and Biden said that Cardona would play a key role in their efforts to safely reopen schools in the new year.

Who is Cardona? Cardona has served as Connecticut's commissioner of education since Aug. 2019. (CNN)

Prior to his time in government, Cardona served as a public school teacher for nearly two decades. (CNN)

Cardona also served as a school principal for ten years, becoming, at 27, the youngest principal in state history. (CNN)

In 2013, Cardona became the city of Meridan's assistant superintendent of schools. (CNN)

In 2019, Gov. Ned Lamont appointed Cardona, making him the state's first Latino commissioner of education. (CNN)

If confirmed, Cardona would be the nation's second Puerto Rican and the third Latino secretary of education. (CNN)

Cardona: "For far too long, the teaching profession has been kicked around."

Cardona: "I was blessed to attend public schools in my hometown, Meriden CT"