We had to end 2020 on a sweet note. French Tarts Apple Style, anybody? A Holiday GIF(t) from Julia Child.

“If you want to make a French tart like this, you’ve got to have SOME crust.” — Julia

Butter up to avoid a “sticky” situation.

1½ cups all-purpose flour.

1 stick of chilled butter.

3 tablespoons of vegetable shortening.

Mixing the "professional way."

⅓ cup of water + sugar + salt.

Note the technique! “Pastry making is not a delicate thing. You want to be fast and tough and rough!” — Julia

“Soft and nice… like a baby’s bottom.” — Julia

Wax, relax and chill.

Don’t hold back.

Press into the mold.

To prevent a soggy bottom!

425 degrees for five minutes.

Meanwhile… it’s marmalade ⏰!

“Taste it very carefully because it should be absolutely beautiful — which it is!” — Julia

Marmalade meet pastry shell. Pastry shell meet marmalade.

Raw apples to top it off!

The apples get an apri-coating of boiled-down jam after baking for 30 minutes. — Julia

Bon Appétit! Watch “The French Chef” on GBH Passport: https://www.wgbh.org/the-french-chef-with-julia-child