Lindsey Graham is under fire after he allegedly pushed Georgia's Secretary of State to "throw out" legally cast ballots.

Georgia Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger told the Washington Post Mon. that Graham made the request during a call Fri..

Graham reportedly asked Raffensperger if he had the power to "toss all mail ballots" in certain counties. (WaPo)

Graham denied making the request on Tue. and insisted that he was concerned about signature irregularities in Georgia.

Three ethics experts filed an official complaint against Graham to the Senate Ethics Committee Wed. (CNN)

"Sen. Graham's conduct constitutes an abuse of office...The Senate Select Committee should investigate this matter." (CNN)

Jaime Harrison: "...folks like Lindsey don't give a damn about our democracy or your rights—only about power!"

Raffensperger defended the integrity of the election Wed. and said that the state's recount wouldn't change the results.

Graham wasn't the only Republican to call: Raffensperger also said that Rep. Doug Collins called him after the election.

Raffensperger called Collins "a liar." He told the Hill: "It’s emotional abuse and they ought to grow up."

Slate reported Thu. that Graham committed two counts of criminal election interference under Georgia law.

Mark Joseph Stern: “…if he weren’t a white Republican senator, he may well be facing years in prison.” (Slate)