Official GIF Recap of Nat Geo's #MARS Season 2 Episode 1 // NEW EPISODES MONDAYS 9/8c

It's April 2042. Science has been the sole purpose for human presence on Mars... until now.

Lukrum, a private corporation, lands on Mars. And they're here to make a profit.

Lukrum commander Kurt Hurrelle is a man on a mission.

Right off the bat, there's no love lost between the two crews.

.... Points for bringing the first dog to Mars, though.

Side question: is Commander Hurrelle driven by more than just the profit line?

Meanwhile, Amelie is sick and tired of living on Mars, and wants to go home. Javier is crushed.

During construction of a pipeline, Lukrum's push for speed puts the crew's safety at risk. People get hurt.

Ultimately, Lukrum's pipeline is completed, and the real work begins. What's that saying? Drill, baby, drill?