Pres. Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden visited Maui this week to survey the aftermath of this month's deadly wildfires.

Maui was ravaged by a deadly wave of wildfires this month, burning 2.2K+ structures and leaving hundreds displaced. (WP)

114 have been confirmed dead from the fires as of Thu., making it the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history. (WP)

Biden opened his visit in Lahaina Mon., a Maui town of 13K+ that was decimated by the wildfires. (WP)

During his remarks Mon., Biden referenced the town's 150-year-old banyan tree, which survived the fires:

Several members of Congress also spoke after Biden, such as Hawaii. Sen. Mazie Hirono.

According to the White House, 1K+ federal officials are in Maui to assist with recovery efforts.

The White House has also distributed $8.5M+ in aid to 8K+ Maui families. (WaPo)

Biden also attended a community event at the Lahaina Civic Center on Mon..

Biden: "Jill and I are here to grieve with you, but also we want you to know the entire country is here for you."

Biden: "When things look the most bleak, that’s when we need faith—faith in our ourselves our God."

Biden: "We’re going to get it done for you. But get it done the way you want it done. Not get it done somebody else’s way."

Biden: "Many of you have lost family, not even sure where some are."

Biden: "I’ve been impressed at how you look out for one another, turn your pain into purpose."

Biden: "I stood in front of the banyan tree that stood for 150 years. It burned, but it still stands."

Biden: "It’s a metaphor, but that’s you. That’s who you are. That’s Hawaii."