Queen Elizabeth II capped off a rocky and consequential year for the United Kingdom in her Christmas day address Wed.

The Queen's Christmas Day address is an annual royal family tradition broadcasted from Windsor Castle.

First, the Queen recognized the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, noting progress spurred by "small steps."

This year was also the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The Queen noted how historic this year's celebration was.

"...formerly...sworn enemies came together in friendly commemorations...putting past differences behind them."

The Queen's message of unity comes a week after Parliament's historic passage of Brexit, which is set to occur in Jan.

The UK is set to exit the European Union in Jan. 2020. No hard feelings though, right?

"[Many] have worked to promote peace and unity around the world, bringing together those who have been on opposing sides."

Climate activists also got a shoutout in this year's address.

This reference to a "bumpy year" had the internet guessing as to what the Queen was referring to. Brexit? Prince Andrew?

Your guess is as good as ours, but the UK (and the royal family) definitely had a tumultuous year in 2019.

This moment got a few laughs online.

Queen: "And so, I wish you all a very happy Christmas."