It might be one of the best episodes of television ever created.

The Houston homestead for the Knowles and Destiny’s Children was impressive on its own

Remember that MASSIVE WINDOW peeping out onto the water??

This was also when most of us first learned of Beyonce’s totally pure love for Popeye’s

The girls were worried the fridge might not be too neat

Which Kelly confirmed


...who lived in the garage

with the most glittery, gorgeous bed of all time

The ladies ensured our safety taking us upstairs

reminiscing over some photos with friends

and revealing Kelly’s impressive VHS collection

Michelle and Beyonce were not pleased with their lack of representation in Kelly’s family photos


Beyonce’s bathroom sink had AN ENTIRE FAIRY TALE in it

But her bedroom was the star of the show

You weren’t a true 2000s kid if you didn’t try to recreate Bey's pillow corner with your mom’s throw pillows

Oh, and Michelle almost got thrown in the pool?

Thank you for this magical journey back to the year 2000, ladies!