House Republicans on Fri. voted to drop Rep. Jim Jordan as their Speaker nominee after three failed votes this week.

House Republicans voted 112–86 to remove Jordan as their Speaker nominee; a candidate forum is expected Mon.. (WaPo)

Jordan's removal Fri. comes in wake of a third failed vote for House Speaker, which he lost by 23 votes. (CNN)

Jordan lost ground in the third vote: he lost support from three more Republicans, with 25 defections total on Fri..

Jordan confirmed his removal with reporters Fri.: "It was an honor to be their Speaker designee."

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy lamented Jordan's removal Fri., stating that the party was in a "bad position."

McCarthy also condemned the House Republicans who led his ouster, dubbing them the "crazy eights led by Gaetz."

So, what now? Well, House Republicans are meeting on Mon. and Tue. to decide on a new nominee. (WaPo)

Members have until Sun. to announce their Speaker bids; an internal vote for a Speaker nominee has been set for Tue.. (WP)