Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan lost the second ballot for House Speaker on Wed., further miring the House in uncertainty.

Jordan lost the second round by 18 votes, with 22 Republicans voting against him—a one vote net loss from the first round.

House Speaker election, 2nd vote: 🗳️Jeffries: 212 🗳️Jordan: 199 🗳️Scalise: 7 🗳️McCarthy: 5 🗳️Zeldin: 3 🗳️Boehner: 1

Jordan lost ground in the second round: per the WaPo, he lost support from four Republicans.

Who flipped against Jordan? 🗳️Drew Ferguson 🗳️Mariannette Miller-Meeks 🗳️Vern Buchanan 🗳️Pete Stauber

Jordan did manage to flip two votes Wed.: Reps. Doug LaMalfa and Victoria Spartz voted for Jordan on the second vote.

Former Speaker John Boehner also received his first vote for Speaker since 2015 from Rep. Mike Kelly.

What's next? Per CNN, some Republicans are looking to introduce a resolution to empower acting Speaker Patrick McHenry.