San Francisco on Tue. voted to recall progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin over his handling of crime in the city.

The Associated Press called the race for the recall 30 minutes after the first batch of results Tue.. (SF Gate)

San Francisco District Attorney recall results, 53% reporting (NYT): 👍Yes: 60% 👎No: 40%.

At his election night party Tue., Boudin blamed his loss on the influence of "right-wing billionaires."

Boudin: "They exploited an environment in which people are appropriately upset."

Boudin: "Voters were given an opportunity to voice their frustration...and they took that opportunity."

Boudin: "We have one for the wealthy and the well connected and a different one for everybody else."

Boudin's time as DA was short: he was first elected in Nov. 2019 as a first-time political candidate. (AP)

As district attorney, Boudin pursued several progressive reforms of the criminal justice system. (Axios)

According to Axios, Boudin filed the city's first-ever homicide charges against a police officer for an on-duty shooting.

Boudin also adopted policies to send nonviolent drug offenders to treatment centers instead of jails. (Axios)

Still, Boudin's tenure as DA was turbulent: he oversaw a two-year rise in burglaries and homicides across the city. (WSJ)

What happens next? SF Mayor London Breed will appoint an interim DA who will serve through the Nov. election. (SFG)