Journalists across the world are paying tribute to Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in wake of her death Wed..

Abu Akleh was shot and killed while reporting on an Israeli military raid in the West Bank city of Jenin on Wed.. (CNN)

Abu Akleh was a veteran journalist: she covered the West Bank region for Al Jazeera for 25 years. (Al Jazeera)

As a reporter, Abu Akleh covered pivotal moments in Palestinian history, such as the second intifada. (Guardian)

Here's what journalists, colleagues, and friends are saying about Abu Akleh's impact on journalism worldwide.

Imtiaz Tyab, CBS News: "There were very few Arab women doing what she was doing on television."

Tyab: "She blazed a trail for so many women to come behind her."

Journalist Dalia Hatuqa, speaking to Al Jazeera: "She gave a voice to a lot of people who [we] wouldn't have heard from."

Hatuqa: "[Her] presence is felt in every home...she was also human. There were times when she was scared." (Al Jazeera)

Hatuqa: "She was there in every Palestinian town, village, alleyway....everybody knew her name." (Al Jazeera)

Al Jazeera journalist Tamer Mishal: "She really wanted to focus on the human element of the story."

Mishal: "She was someone you felt comfortable talking to...That's why people opened up to her."