With 100% of precincts reporting, former VP Joe Biden has decisively won the South Carolina primary with 48.4% of the vote.

The 2020 South Carolina primary saw a record turnout of 539K voters, a 7K+ increase from 2008. (AP)

This is Biden's first-ever presidential primary victory. He won the popular vote in every single county in the state.

Biden won 39 delegates from the state, placing him second to Sanders in the delegate count. He's netted 53 delegates.

South Carolina was the first primary state with a majority Black electorate—Biden's strongest base of support. (NPR)

Joementum? According to a post-primary Morning Consult poll, Biden rose seven points nationally.

Sanders came in second in South Carolina with 19.9% of the vote, a marginal improvement from his 2016 run.

Tom Steyer came in third below the delegate threshold with 11.3%. He suspended his campaign on Sat. night.

Warren ranked in fifth with 7.1% of the vote, trailing Pete Buttigieg who won 8.2%.

Buttigieg suspended his campaign on Sun. He is en route to Texas to rally for Biden, per the NYT.

More than 130M voters will head to the polls in 14 states on Tue.—AKA Super Tuesday. We'll see if the Joementum continues.