This is the Storyclock Workbook. It's built for getting your cool story ideas out of your head alive.

You've got a cool story idea. Because you're cool.

You know some of the parts, but not all the parts. So you've got gaps in the story that you need to fill.

But you can't just fill the gaps with anything.

Enter the Storyclock Workbook.

Picture your story like a clock.

Use symmetry to fill the gaps. Anything happening on the opposite side of the clock that you can set up?

Anything on the other side that you can build on or pay off?

Keep using this method to fill out your story with relevant and meaningful material born from the ideas you already have.

Let the ideas you already have inspire new ones!

But why be limited to just the plot, when you have access to so much more?

If you story had a mixtape, what song would be on it?

Write them down in the Playlist section!

Is your idea similar to one that already exists?

If so, how can you steal--I mean learn learn from it?

Any cool resources you might have access to that you can write for?

Write those down in the Resources section!

The Storyclock Workbook is available now at

It's not just for screenwriters! The Storyclock Workbook works for all kinds of stories!