A brief history behind the meaning of systemic racism, with a specific look at two brands.

Commonalities of Crayons & Band-Aid: the societies in which they originated, perpetuated inequalities towards minorities.

Systematic: relates to an action in a system. Systemic: describes the inside of a system/effects on entirety of system.

In a 1955 commercial, Band-Aid described the product on the hand of a white woman as “flesh-colored, almost invisible.”

Crayola and Band-Aid pretty much decided who was considered “normal" by marketing their product as "flesh."

In 1962, Crayola's flesh crayon got a new name (peach) & in 2020, Band-Aid revealed a skin tone line of different shades.

Change is good, but we have a lot of work to do as a society. It’s not just a Band-Aid or a Crayon; it’s bigger than that.